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Selectmen Minutes 09/22/2009
Chichester Board of Selectmen
Minutes of Meeting
September 22, 2009

Members present:  Stephen MacCleery, Jeffrey Jordan, Richard DeBold
Others Present:  Nancy Tanner (Town Administrator), Barbara Frangione, Richard Holloran, Donna Chagnon, Karen Lingner, Cindy Mayville, Allan Mayville, Lucille Noel, Walter Sanborn, Bruce Dyke, Mike Paveglio, Jason Weir, Norm Larochelle, and Scott Marston

Chairman MacCleery opened the meeting at 7:00PM.

Budget Committee
Mr. MacCleery thanked the budget committee for coming.  He explained that we are trying to come up with a workable schedule that does not run into too many late nights.  Bruce Dyke reported being pleased with last year’s budget.  The committee had better back up information.  In light of the economic times Mr. Dyke said the committee would like to strive for a flat budget.  It may not be feasible to issue an across the board COLA rather to look at each position for inequities.  The budget justification form was useful, but has too low of a threshold which created extra work and extra paper.  The committee would like to see the form used for any new position, new service, or eliminations and on items with a 10% or more change and $1,000 or more change.  Discussion ensued as to a workable schedule.  
The committee would like to see justification information ahead of the meetings; for example, a schedule of road paving or detail for specific training.  Mr. MacCleery said that the departments should come to the meetings with back up information on their numbers.  Discussion took place regarding the predicted SSA COLA. The Selectmen will be asking for budgets with no salary line adjustments.  After everything is factored in they will evaluate the numbers and see if we can make any adjustments.  Mr. Dyke feels that department heads should not be making their own salary adjustment.  The Selectmen should make those.  
Mrs. Tanner will draft a memo and a meeting schedule.  The budgets will be due in by November 5th.  The public hearing will be February 2, 2010.  
Discussion took place regarding the current use tax allocation of 75% and 25%.  Mr. Weir feels that we may want to look at the split again.  He will do a survey of other towns to see if we are inline.  

Senator Barnes
Senator Barnes was present to speak to the Selectmen regarding the truck traffic on Main Street.  He said that since Main Street is a State road they can not prohibit truck traffic.  The town can take it to the legislature or we could go to Town Meeting and ask the citizens to take the road over.  The Senator did not recommend either of these options.  He suggested looking at the bridges.  If we have an H15-44 rated bridge we could prohibit truck traffic.  He also suggested asking someone from the State to come down and look at the road with the Selectmen.  
Discussion took place regarding the traffic light at the end of Main Street near Dunkin Donuts.  Some people have felt the lights there are not insinc and two opposing lights may be green at the same time.  Mrs. Tanner will call the Police Chief and draft a letter to the State to see if the lights can be checked.  

Other Business

Abatement:  A motion was made by Mr. MacCleery and seconded by Mr. Jordan to grant an abatement in the amount of $7,000 for map 3 lot 40-A based on the fact that our assessor visited the property and the structures have been removed.  A roll call vote was taken:  MacCleery – Yea, Jordan –Yea, DeBold – Yea.  Motion passes.

Route 28 Corridor Study: Mr. DeBold and Mr. Jordan signed the endorsement of the route 28 study.  Mr. MacCleery does not endorse the study.  

Supervisors of the Checklist: Mrs. Frangione will purchase and extension cord and look into partitions.

ZBA Meeting:  Mrs. Tanner and Mr. Pike will put together information including a letter from counsel in preparation for the meeting.  

Trustees of Trust Funds:  The Selectmen received a letter from the Trustees regarding a bill for lighting and reconciliation numbers for the funds.  Mr. Pike addressed the letter as his records do not reconcile with the Trustees.  Discussion took place regarding the issue of the trustees not releasing any funds to the cemetery committee.  

Mr. DeBold reported that he would not be able to attend next week’s meeting
Mr. Jordan will not be able to attend the meeting on October 6th.  

A letter of resignation was received from Lisa Drouse for the Capital Improvements Committee.  Lisa will resign at the end of this term.  

Historical Society:  Mrs. Noel reports the Historical Society has been granted permission to document the rooms in the General Blake house.  Discussion took place regarding the house and General Blake.  

Accounts payable and payroll were approved in the amount of $22,185.73

A motion by Mr. DeBold and seconded by Mr. Jordan to adjourn the meeting at 9:12pm.  Motion passes.

Respectfully submitted,

                                                                          Approved as written
Nancy Tanner

____________________________    ___________________________     __________________________
Stephen MacCleery, Sr., Chairman        Jeffrey Jordan                          Richard DeBold